Place born
Organisation / Person
1875-1969, meteorological, aviation & surveying instrument manufacturer, London, England

Short and Mason Limited

1875 - 1969

1875-1976, manufacturer, Tunstall, British

Alfred Meakin

1875 - 1976

1874-1966, steelmakers; munitions makers, English; British

John Baker and Company Limited

1874 - 1966

1887-?, manufacturer of linen, clothing, merchants, general outfitters, Belfast; London

Robinson and Cleaver Limited


Young, Edith Mary

1875 - 1945

Clarke, Thomas Wigston Kinglake

1873 - 1901

Whyte, Adam Gowans

1875 - 1950

Turner, Edward Raymond

1873 - 1903

Muybridge, Florado Helios

1873 - 1944

Penn-Gaskell, Winifred Ethel

1874 - 1949

Berger, Hans

1873 - 1941

1875-1914, textiles manufacturing firm, Scottish, Scotland

Alexander Morton and Company

1875 - 1914

1873-1903, inventor, British

Turner, Edward Raymond

1873 - 1903

1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1873-1928, artist; painter; poster artist, British

Sims, Charles Henry

1873 - 1928

1875-1949, aeronautical engineer; philosopher; author, British

Dunne, John William

1875 - 1949

1874-1958, aviator; aircraft manufacturer, born Paris; British; French

Farman, Henri

1874 - 1958

1873-1920, chemist, German

Dolezalek, Friedrich

1873 - 1920

1875-1945, inventor active in cinematography, Polish

Proszynski, Kazimierz

1875 - 1945

1874-1931, electrical engineer; inventor, British

Clinker, R C

1874 - 1931

1873-1934, metrologist, British

Eden, Edgar Mark

1873 - 1934

1875-1989, shipping company, Netherlands

Zeeland Steamship Company

1875 - 1989

1873-1931, tropical medicine specialist; novelist, British; Scottish

Balfour, Sir Andrew

1873 - 1931

1874-1949, astronomer, British

Reynolds, J H

1874 - 1949

1874-1923, railway company, England, United Kingdom

Charnwood Forest Railway

1874 - 1923

1873-1951, astronomer & photographer, American

Lampland, Carl Otto

1873 - 1951

1873-1932, balloon and airplane aviator, Franco-Brazilian

Santos-Dumont, Alberto

1873 - 1932

active 1875-1993, psychiatric hospital, Chartham, England

Kent County Mental Hospital

1875 - 1993

1874-1896, railway company, British

Cornwall Minerals Railway

1874 - 1896

1873-1880, railway company, Wales, United Kingdom

Ely & Clydach Valleys Railways

1873 - 1880

1875-1922, railway company, United Kingdom

Llanelli & Mynydd Mawr Railway

1875 - 1922

1873-1958, artist; painter; printmaker; poster artist, British

Pears, Charles

1873 - 1958

1875-1879, railway company, Isle of Wight

Isle of Wight (Newport Junction) Railway

1875 - 1879

1874-1943, draughtsman; printmaker; architect; poster artist, Russian; British

Walcot, William

1874 - 1943

1874-1888, railway company, United Kingdom

Leominster & Bromyard Railway

1874 - 1888

1875-1968, physiologist and pharmacologist, British; English

Dale, Sir Henry Hallett

1875 - 1968

1874-1955, artist; painter; poster artist; British

Sharp, Dorothea

1874 - 1955

1873-1956, active 1919-1938, poster artist, British?

Barribal, William H

1873 - 1956

1873-1898, railway company, England, United Kingdom

Cleveland Extension Mineral Railway

1873 - 1898

1875-1961, artist; painter; poster artist, British

Oppenheimer, Charles

1875 - 1961

1874-1944, medallist; sculptor, Austrian

Taglang, Hugo

1874 - 1944

1873-1947, medallist, French

Prud'homme, Georges-Henri

1873 - 1947

1873-extant, manufacturer, Derby

Derby Carriage & Wagon Works


1873-1902, vessel, British

HMS Discovery

1873 - 1902

1874-1915, physicist, nationality Austro-Hungarian; Austrian

Hasenöhrl, Friedrich

1874 - 1915

1874-1922, Antarctic explorer, British

Shackleton, Sir Ernest Henry

1874 - 1922

1874-1952, engineer, British

Prestwich, John Alfred

1874 - 1952

1874-1944, journalist, photographer, British

Mortimer, Francis James

1874 - 1944

1875-1950, medallist; sculptor, German

Goetz, Karl

1875 - 1950

1873-1966, medallist; sculptor; engraver, Swedish

Lindberg, Erik

1873 - 1966